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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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♦ Portable Gas Detectors

♦ RKI Instruments

  1. O3 Series Single Gas Detectors
  2. GX-2009 (4 gas)
  3. GX-8000 (4-5 Gas)
  4. Gas Alert max XT II
  5. RX-8000 (O2 and HC)
  6. Sampling adapters and Hoses

♦ BW by Honeywell

  1. GasAlert Micro Clip XT
  2. GasAlert Max XT
  3. GasAlert Clip Extreme (O2 or H2S)

♦ Breath Alcohol Detectors

  1. State Details

♦ Calibration Gases and Regulators

  1. Single and Mixed Gases
  2. Fixed and Demand Flow Regulators
  3. Calibration Bags and Accessories

♦ Oil Content Monitor

  1. Brannstrom – Bilgmon 488
  2. Fellow Kogyo – FOCAS 2000