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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Lorem ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor alique tenean sollicitudin.




  • Portable gas detectors,
  • Fixed Gas Detection Systems
  • Vecs
  • Double gauging
  • Pollution


  • Foam Sample Analysis (including fire test USCG / IMO approved)
  • Breathing Air Compressors Quality Test
  • Drinking Water Analysis – ILO-178
Rising above

Test Equipment’s

  • Temperature calibrator
  • Pressure Calibrator
  • Thermometers
  • Resistance Box
  • Gauges
  • Portable Water Analysis (ILO-178)


  • Flow meters (Tokyo Keiki)
  • Fixed Gas Detection Systems
  • UTI (Honeywell / Hermetic / Tanksystems / Tanktech / MMC)
Rising above

Calibrations Services

  • Portable Gas Detectors
  • Fixed Gas Detection Systems
  • Portable Level Gauging
  • Pressure/Vacuum Monitoring Systmes (VECS)
  • Temperature and Pressure Calibrators & Gauges
  • Breath Alcohol Detectors
  • ODME
  • Oil Water Separator Content Monitors

Sales and Services

  • Brannstrom (makers of JOWA, Cleantoil 9000, Cleantrack ODME) and Bilgmon 488
  • BW Technologies Gas Detectors
  • Crowcon Fixed and Portable Gas Detection Systems
  • Enraf/Honeywell Marine Systems Level Gauging and Gas Detection Systems
  • Fewllow Kogyo – FOCAS Oil Content Monitors
  • GMI Fixed and Portable Gas Detection Systems
  • Hermeti/Honeywell Portable Gauging and Sampling Devices
  • Martek Fixed Gas Detection Systems and Water Ingress System
  • MMC Portable Gauging and Sampling Devices
  • Riken Keiki, USA / Korea / Japan Fixed Gas Detection Systems
  • TQ Environmental – Fixed Gas Detection Systems